My Top Three

What are three objects you couldn't live without? Besides basic necessities (money, food, water, air, toiletries, my phone, social interactions, etc.), my top three things that I can’t live without would be music, my journals, and memes/funny videos. Now before you say I’m addicted to my phone, in this day and age having a cell… Continue reading My Top Three

A Quick Reminder

I think it’s important to love. Not just other people but also love yourself, things, hobbies, places, food, sounds, etc. it’s important to have love in different forms and different sources of joy. To fall in love with different aspects of life. And to love fully, give it your all. It may be hard and… Continue reading A Quick Reminder

Expressing Gratitude

Since February I have been more intentional about practicing gratitude. Before I would express gratitude randomly and write it down once in a blue moon. Since February I have doing it more often and deliberate. My planner has a gratitude section for each week. Every night when I am planning for the next day, I… Continue reading Expressing Gratitude

So I’m Back in Therapy

As I mentioned in this post Vulnerability , I wanted to work on becoming more comfortable with vulnerability. Dr. Brene Brown’s TED Talk showed me that I still had a good amount of work to do. Recently, I started going to see a therapist again. Since this was one of the main ways that helped… Continue reading So I’m Back in Therapy

Anniversary on WordPress

A few weeks ago, it was my first anniversary of being on WordPress. It was a whole year of committing to blogging on a regular basis (once a week). When I originally decided to create a blog, I did not know if I could keep it up for a year. I was not sure if… Continue reading Anniversary on WordPress

Visit to the Water Fountain

A few weeks ago, I decided to visit a huge water foundation that is near my area. It was a short walk, like a few blocks away. I quickly walked over to the park where the foundation is located. I was excited and felt eager to get there. It became increasingly quiet on my way… Continue reading Visit to the Water Fountain

Ways I Jump-start my Creativity

Just like everyone else, I go through periods where I don't feel creative and I need something to spark it. Below are some of the ways I get my creativity going during low times: Reading other people’s works such as blogs, articles, poetry books and other types of books. Recently, I read Bored and Brilliant… Continue reading Ways I Jump-start my Creativity

A Period of Disconnect and Rest

In order to recharge and get my mind back together, I have a habit of disconnecting from everything and everyone. I disconnect from all of my routines, projects, obligations, my phone, and interactions with people. The only person I would interact with is usually my mom. In my Alone Time post, I talk more about this… Continue reading A Period of Disconnect and Rest

My Sleep Routine

In my previous post Sleep Really Makes a Difference, I said that I would go over my sleep routine so here we are. This is my sleep routine for the school year, during summer break my sleeping schedule usually changes. Around 10:00pm I start to get ready for bed. I usually play music as I… Continue reading My Sleep Routine

Sleep Really Makes a Difference

A few weeks ago, in class, we talked about our sleep habits and how they can really make a difference in our lives as future clinicians and the lives of clients. My professor emphasized the importance of checking in with ourselves and our future clients about sleep habits.  We completed a questionnaire about our personal… Continue reading Sleep Really Makes a Difference