Puzzle that is my Life

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

My life feels too much like a puzzle with 1,000 pieces. Been spending years trying to put it together so it can look exactly like the pretty picture on the box. A picture that I didn’t even fully create. A picture that has been changing over the years into something that I’m not fully sure about. Some of the old pieces from the original 1,000 have been discarded while some new ones have been introduced to take their places in the transitional picture. Some of the original pieces sit with me. I’m not fully sure where they go or how they fit but they are still here. Some of the original pieces continue to find a placement in the ever changing picture as if those pieces were made to fit any type of picture. A picture that may not ever be fully complete but I still
spend time trying to put it together, puzzle piece by puzzle piece. 

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