What Would You Do if You Could Do Anything?

A few weeks ago, I was on my WordPress reader reading recent blog posts. Cheri Lucas Rowlands posted in the Discovery blog about Hilde Lysiak, who is on WordPress’ “Anything is Possible’ list for 2019. The post ended with the prompt “What would you do if you could do anything?” Throughout my life, I have… Continue reading What Would You Do if You Could Do Anything?

Things I have Learned in Undergraduate and Graduate school: Passion

Passion for a line of work or a specific field is something you either have or don’t. You cannot fake it. It is something that is naturally already inside of you. It is sometimes an unconscious and automatic action. Of course, you can consciously work toward your passion to expand it and take it to… Continue reading Things I have Learned in Undergraduate and Graduate school: Passion