Leaning More into “I Don’t Know”

As I stated in my previous post, I Don’t Know, there are many things in my life that I don’t have an answer to or know. There are some things I don’t know and I’m fine with it. Do I know the name of each of Jupiter’s moons?  Nope, it would be cool to know… Continue reading Leaning More into “I Don’t Know”

A Quick Reminder

I think it’s important to love. Not just other people but also love yourself, things, hobbies, places, food, sounds, etc. it’s important to have love in different forms and different sources of joy. To fall in love with different aspects of life. And to love fully, give it your all. It may be hard and… Continue reading A Quick Reminder

Sometimes the “Perfect” Answer isn’t Needed

A few nights ago, I was feeling sad and crying. I decided to call my mom and talk to her. At first, I was just going to talk to her as a distraction but hearing her voice caused me to cry more and tell her how I was feeling. After I told her, she expressed… Continue reading Sometimes the “Perfect” Answer isn’t Needed

Book Review- Daring Greatly

After watching Dr. Brene Brown’s TED talk about vulnerability, which I talked about in this post Vulnerability I was compelled to read at least one of her books to learn more. I started with “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.” The Kindle version of this… Continue reading Book Review- Daring Greatly

Closure from Others isn’t a Guarantee

Where did the idea of seeking closure from the people who have hurt us come from? It seems like a waste of time because it hardly ever goes the way we envision and sometimes leaves us in a worse place. Certain things are better for us not to know and to just leave alone. Knowing… Continue reading Closure from Others isn’t a Guarantee

What Would You Do if You Could Do Anything?

A few weeks ago, I was on my WordPress reader reading recent blog posts. Cheri Lucas Rowlands posted in the Discovery blog about Hilde Lysiak, who is on WordPress’ “Anything is Possible’ list for 2019. The post ended with the prompt “What would you do if you could do anything?” Throughout my life, I have… Continue reading What Would You Do if You Could Do Anything?

So I’m Back in Therapy

As I mentioned in this post Vulnerability , I wanted to work on becoming more comfortable with vulnerability. Dr. Brene Brown’s TED Talk showed me that I still had a good amount of work to do. Recently, I started going to see a therapist again. Since this was one of the main ways that helped… Continue reading So I’m Back in Therapy


A week ago, in class my professor played a TED talk video by social worker and researcher named Brene Brown. The video was entitled “The Power of Vulnerability.” In the video she talks about her research and how it led to learning that vulnerability is the main factor in people’s lives that allows them to… Continue reading Vulnerability


Wouldn’t it be great if we could pick and choose which emotions we and just shut off, whether temporarily or for life? The minute an emotion is too overpowering we could just shut it off and go about our day. Unfortunately, as humans we cannot do that. We are meant to feel all emotions as… Continue reading Numbing

A Honest Conversation

A few days ago, I was listening to a podcast hosted by a clinical psychologist and a guest therapist speaker. This podcast episode was about the attachment style of a fictional character, how it was influenced by her family dynamics, and how it influences her interactions with romantic partners, friends, and family. Normally I listen… Continue reading A Honest Conversation