Book Review- Daring Greatly

After watching Dr. Brene Brown’s TED talk about vulnerability, which I talked about in this post Vulnerability I was compelled to read at least one of her books to learn more. I started with “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.” The Kindle version of this… Continue reading Book Review- Daring Greatly

So the Year has Ended

I have been seeing people ask “What have you learned, done, etc. in 2018?” I have also seen people post about their 2018 journey. For me 2018 was an interesting and weird year. There just was a lot of weird energy, I can't really explain it. It was also pretty hilarious, I think I laughed… Continue reading So the Year has Ended

So I’m Back in Therapy

As I mentioned in this post Vulnerability , I wanted to work on becoming more comfortable with vulnerability. Dr. Brene Brown’s TED Talk showed me that I still had a good amount of work to do. Recently, I started going to see a therapist again. Since this was one of the main ways that helped… Continue reading So I’m Back in Therapy

Two Weeks of Anger

While I was reading one of counseling books, it was going over polarities which is a component of Gesalt theory. In a very short summary, polarities are the two extremes where people tend to fall. For instance, adult vs. child, loving vs. hateful, strong vs. weak, etc. Polarities could be used for any type of… Continue reading Two Weeks of Anger


A week ago, in class my professor played a TED talk video by social worker and researcher named Brene Brown. The video was entitled “The Power of Vulnerability.” In the video she talks about her research and how it led to learning that vulnerability is the main factor in people’s lives that allows them to… Continue reading Vulnerability